The Fête-Dieu du Teche…

was held during the 14 & 15 of August. The date is important for Roman Catholics as it is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the Acadian people and of Acadiana. It is also a day that marks the anniversary of the arrival of French-Canadian immigrants who brought the Catholic faith to Acadiana after enduring great trials and suffering.  Having a Eucharistic Procession by boat on the waters of the Teche rather than by foot in the streets makes a lot of sense. Fête-Dieu du Teche on the Feast of the Assumption recalls our rich Acadian history and, in a way, re-enacts the journey made by the Acadians 250 years ago. 

Status of New Name for the Alabama Knights on Bikes

66% KofC Riders Alabama
16%Alabama KC Riders
12%KofC Knight Riders Alabama
1%Knights Guardians Alabama
1%Knights Riders Alabama
0%Alabama Steel Horse
0%Alabama KoC Knights of the Steel Horse



     A letter from Supreme has directed us to drop the name “Knights on Bikes” and replace it with a new name selected by the State Council.

     The timeline that we are looking at follows:

  1. 24 November 2024 –               a. Name Change: Old – Alabama Knights on Bikes b. Name Change: New – TBD

   2. 1 April 2025 – Handbook and forms updated with new name

3. 1 June 2025 – Vest and Shirts Updated

     The change will require the Alabama Knights on Bikes program members to remove all patches and labels displaying “Knights on Bikes or KoB”. That is basically two patches on the men’s vest and 3 patches on the lady’s vest will have to be removed. The Handbook, Membership Application, Recruitment Trifold, etc. will all need to be updated. Which will be no, problem. Once the state’s new name is chosen, all of the forms, Facebook page and our website will be changed to reflect the latest info.

     We are extremely happy that Supreme is setting standards for all groups to follow and ensuring that we belong to our State Councils. Although the name will change, our mission to support the state will not. We look forward to escorting the “Silver Rose” during the transfer from Florida to Alabama, hosting the state “Novena For Life” in January 2025 and the “Pro-Life Chairty ride at the State Convention.

  On the 25th of July, I received confirmation from Dwayne that we can have a booth set up at the Little Sisters of the Poor Bike show once again this year. The tent will be adjacent to the MBVMC Registration tent. We are very appreciative of their support. A Blessing of the Bikes will take place at 4:00 pm followed by our annual Ride to dinner.

We had a fantastic night at the 2024 Bob Pricket Seminarian Dinner sponsored by my brother Knights of Columbus of Council 6727. It’s a great night in which the hard working people of the Wiregrass begin to adopt these men as sons and invest in them, support them with prayer, and surround them so they may one day be become the Priest who will lead our faith and Parishes. We pray for all of them. My Archbishop, my parish priest along with other Priests, Deacons and 10 of our 14 Seminarians were all in attendance. I had the pleasure of setting next to the Grand Knight for the Seminarian’s council. He liked my vest and asked me about KoB and I was happy to share with him. I also told him that my home council sponsors 2 teams of Religious at Council 5636’s the Annual Charity Golf Tournament. It was a great night.


State of the Alabama Knights on Bikes – (Apr –  Jun 24)

     We are active members of the Knights of Columbus, in Good Standing who own and ride motorcycles as a hobby. We operate as a state level support program under the direction of our State Deputy. Our mission is to support the State, Councils and Assemblies in the Great State of Alabama. We sponsor and participate in many veteran and charity-related motorcycle rides and other charity events each year. There are no dues required to be a member of the Alabama Knights on Bikes. We are not authorized to maintain funds, so all money that we raise is immediately transferred to the Alabama Knights Of Columbus Life Program

     Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those who are members of the Knights of Columbus in good standing) and Support Members (Spouses and/or girlfriends of Full Members). All are encouraged to participate in sponsored events and to display the appropriate path on the riding vest. We have members from both the Archdiocese of Mobile and the Diocese of Birmingham.

     The Alabama Knights on Bikes is growing,  but slowly. We continue to recruit both in person and through advertisement.

    Please note that we are NOT a MOTORCYCLE CLUB (MC). Although we are active throughout the state, we are divided by the Diocese were we attend Mass. We do not have a club house. We do not wear cuts or colors, but rather a vest with KofC patches.


MEMBERSHIP: Members –  9        Working with – 3


Completed: 6Participation: 16 Miles: 2,484
Projected to attend: 10Participation:  TBD Miles: 2500 to 5000


Alabama State Knights on Bikes Handbook – Available to Registered members

Alabama State Knights on Bikes Trifold – Available to online

Alabama State Knights on Bikes Pray the Rosary Trifold – Available to online

    We strive to recruit not only Brother Knights in “Good Standing” to the Knights on Bike group, but more importantly “Catholic Gentleman” to the Knights of Columbus.

We can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected]

Have a Blessed Day

John L. Blackburn, FDD, PGK, PFN

State President

Knights on Bikes – Alabama

5636MobileOzarkSK John Blackburn
7270MobileMobileSK Dwayne Tippery
17519BirminghamHuntsvilleSK Lee Donaldson
16172BirminghamHuntsvilleDeacon Paul Keil
1019SavannahPhenix CitySK Robert Boehnlein
13125MobileMobileSK William Dixon IV


15 Jun 24 American Legion Post 12, Dothan, Alabama


8 Jun 24 – Chainsaw Corners, Graceville, Fl



During the weekend of 19 – 21 of April, Knights of Columbus members gatherer in in Atmore to celebrate, meet with old friends and make new friends.

On Saturday the Knights held their business meeting, covering many subject, the highlight of the meeting was electing the officers who will lead the state in the 2024 – 2025 Fraternal year.

On Saturday after noon, members of the Alabama Knights on Bikes joined together and participated in the 1st Annual Pro – Life ride. The members enjoyed a great ride while raising money for the state’s Ultrasound Machine Program. The ride ended in time for the Convention Dinner.

Congratulation the the Convention Committee for putting on a great event. We all look forward to next year.

Pray with Our Lady: Pray the Rosary the 12th of each month (in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe 12/12 and Blessed McGivney’s birthday 8/12) for the success of the Revival and an increase in devotion to Christ in the Eucharist.


     On Thursday the 4th of April 2024. The Pilgram Icon (St. Joseph Icon) was transferred from the Pilgrim Icon Chairman Brother Joe McCarty to the Alabama Knights on Bikes State President John Blackburn.  The Pilgrim Icon was then transported to St John’s Catholic Church in Ozark, Alabama, and District #10.

    The Pilgrim Icon will remain at St John’s until after the Divine Mercy Sunday services on 7 April. Following the Mass the Pilgrim Icon will be transferred to District Deputy #10 Jack Porter, where it will visit the other parishes in the District. After the Icon completes it visit to the District, it will be transferred to the next District on the List.

A special to Barbara and Deacon Pat Pattberg (St John’s) for waiting at St John’s until we arrived to deliver the Icon.