Knights on Bikes – Alabama

     During the period of 5 – 8 June of this year, my wife, and I had the opportunity to attend the 2023 Knights on Bikes Bi-Annual Rally which was held in Branson Missouri. I had the privilege of representing the Great State of Alabama.

     Just under 50 Bikes rode in for the Rally accompany by numerous family members and guests. Over one hundred people enjoyed the Masses, the recitation of the Rosary, dinners, Branson-area shows and plain old-fashioned fellowship during the week. Many new friends were made, sharing ideas regarding what we do and who and how we help as Knights of Columbus and Knights on Bikes. Everyone had a safe and enjoyable time in Branson Missouri!

     The Rally staff served as the host for the Business Meeting held on Tuesday morning, which saw Forty-six members including four members who attended and voted virtually. Items discussed were:


    The replacement of the 2019 Bylaws and SOPs with the approved guidelines. With our mission statement: Our mission is to support established programs within the appropriate Knights of Columbus State Council and/or local Council or Assembly with permission from the State Deputy and/or Grand Knight and/or Faithful Navigator. Examples may be Silver Rose, Special Olympics, ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) – Pro Life, Rosary Run, Council Membership/Retention, etc.

     The resolution was passed unanimously.

     Brother Mark Kuczera (Advocate) from Illinois shared information regarding the National Eucharistic Congress, which will be held July 17-21, 2024, in Indianapolis, IN. As this is an important event sponsored by the USCCB, the Knights of Columbus has become heavily involved. The ‘pilgrimage’, the Eucharistic Processions is like the Silver Rose, the KonB membership voted to become actively involved as escort nationwide. Mark Kuczera has been asked to be the chairperson.

Santa Fe/Taos, New Mexico, was selected to host the 2025 Bi-annual Rally location, The location was selected, edging out Louisa, Virginia after the vote was counted. The New Mexico State Knights on Bikes will oversee the Rally. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

     Also, during the Branson Rally, the KonB membership attendees held five charity events: a 50/50 raffle, a Poker and Rosary Run, Silent Auction, a Wine Pull, and a Wheelchair donation.

Over $2,000 was raised and distributed to the Bishop Edward Rice Charity in the Diocese of Cape Girardeau, MO, the charity of 1st Lady of Missouri Council Patty Kissinger, and the wheelchair was presented to Becky Jewsbury, Director for the Branson Area Veterans Taskforce.

     KonB member Brother Bruce Hines from Washington, whose business is to restore classic motorcycles for raffle events, will work with KonB to create a KofC/KonB themed motorcycle for the charity raffle at the 2025 Bi-annual Rally in Santa Fe. 

     The Rally kicked off Tuesday evening with a class that discussed the upcoming rides and the importance of riding safety.

     Tuesday morning started with Mass at the local Branson Catholic parish. What an inspiring sight as I looked up from my pew to see so many bikers kneeling and praying before our God. Everywhere I looked, I saw the backs of the worshippers wearing their vests. On the back for all to see was the emblem of the Knights of Columbus and above that the Cross of Christ. Following the Mass, a blessing for the motorcycles and the riders was conducted by Father J in the church parking lot. The Blessing of the Bikes is an annual tradition in which riders and their  motorcycles are blessed by a priest in the hope that it will bring safety for the coming season.

     After the blessing, the first group of fourteen riders began praying the Rosary and after the first decade, the riders departed for the second of five churches that were visited, each church opened their doors to allow us to pray a decade in their churches chapel.

     The rally concluded Friday morning with everyone in attendance saying their goodbyes, looking forward, and planning their meet up in 2025 in New Mexico.

John Blackburn

State Chairman

Knights on Bike – Alabama