Saturday Dec 21st
Sunny and colder.
Afternoon High 46
Wind: N 6-12 mph
Sun percentage: 90%
Hours of rain: 0
Rain potential: ″
Severe weather threat: None
Sunday Dec 22nd
Sunny. A cold morning.
Morning Low 26 Afternoon High 50
Wind: NE 5-10 mph
Sun percentage: 95%
Hours of rain: 0
Rain potential: .0″
Severe weather threat: None
Monday Dec 23rd
Mostly sunny.
Morning Low 31 Afternoon High 52
Wind: E 5-10 mph
Sun percentage: 80%
Hours of rain: 0
Rain potential: ″
Severe weather threat: None
Tuesday Dec 24th
Partly sunny. A chance of showers Tuesday night.
Morning Low 34 Afternoon High 59
Wind: S 6-12 mph
Sun percentage: 55%
Hours of rain: .5
Rain potential: .5″
Severe weather threat: None
Wednesday Dec 25th
Merry Christmas! Mostly cloudy with a few periods of rain.
Morning Low 44 Afternoon High 59
Wind: S 6-12 mph
Sun percentage: 20%
Hours of rain: 1
Rain potential: .5″
Severe weather threat: None
Thursday Dec 26th
Mostly cloudy with a chance of widely scattered showers.
Morning Low 48 Afternoon High 62
Wind: S 6-12 mph
Sun percentage: 20%
Hours of rain: .5
Rain potential: .5″
Severe weather threat: None
Friday Dec 27th
Mostly cloudy; showers remain possible.
Morning Low 50 Afternoon High 61
Wind: SW 6-12 mph
Sun percentage: 20%
Hours of rain: 1
Rain potential: .5″
Severe weather threat: None